Friday, July 30, 2010

Notebook Dell Inspiron Terbaru M301z dengan prosesor AMD

Dell mengeluarkan produk notebook menggunakan prosesor AMD yaitu DeLL Inspiron M301z adalah notebook yang langsing dan ringan dengan tebal kurang dari 1 inci. Notebook ini diperkuat oleh prosesor single core AMD Athlon II neo K125 atau dual core Athlon II Neo K325/Turion II Neo K625 yang merupakan prosesor jenis low voltage. Layar notebook ini berukuran 13.3 inch LED dengan resolusi 1366 x 768 dengan pilihan memori sampai 8 GB RAM.

Harddisknya 640 GB dan kartu grafisnya menggunakan ATI Radeon HD4225. Tak ketinggalan dukungan Wifi, Bluetooth(optional), 1.3 Megapixel webcam, 7-in-1 card reader, built-in 0.5Wx2 stereo speaker, HDMI port, dan batere 6-cell.

Dell Inspiron M301z 13.3 inch Notebook specifications:

- 1.7 GHz Single Core AMD Athlon II Neo K125, 1.3 GHz Dual Core AMD Athlon II Neo K325 or 1.5 GHz Dual Core AMD Turion II Neo K625
- up to 4GB memory
- ATI Radeon HD4225 integrated graphics
- 13.3 inch LED-backlit display (1366 x 768 px)
- up to 500GB hard drive
- 6-cell battery for up to 5 hours of battery life
- integrated 1.3MP webcam & microphone
- WiFi g/n, optional bluetooth and 10/100 LAN
- HDMI, SD card reader, 2 x USB 2.0
- Size (WxHxD) 328 mm x 24 mm x 235 mm, Weight 1.78 kg
- 1 year warranty
- 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium

Apa Itu AMD "VISION" ?

Apa itu AMD "Vision", kata "Vision" Disini bukanlan seri turunan dari prosesor AMD tetapi Teknologi pendukung multimedia yang dibuat oleh perusahaan AMD. Gampangnya disebut Teknologi Vision dari AMD atau Teknologi AMD Vision yang selanjutnya dirangkai dengan system prosesor AMD. Teknologi AMD Vision ini ada tingkatanya yaitu seperti berikut :

  1. Teknologi AMD Vision untuk isi web, video,foto yang lebih jernih.
  2. Teknologi AMD Vision Premium memungkinkan kinerja dari aplikasi multitasking seperti untuk games streaming, editing foto dasar, blu-ray.
  3. Teknologi AMD Vision Ultimate untuk menciptakan musik, foto video dengan cepat dan responsif. Teknologi ini memungkinkan mengedit video HD dan memainkan game 3D.
  4. Teknologi Vision Black untuk kendali aksi permainan sudut pandang yang lebih luas untuk multitasking yang serius. Vision black memungkinkan dipakai hingga pada enam monitor sekaligus.
Teknologi ini pertama kali dirilis September tahun 2009 dan disempurnakan Mei 2010 lalu, diklaim mampu memberikan pengalaman visualisasi kepada pengguna, baik di notebook, desktop, eksternal memori dan ekternal full high definiton di kamera atau camcorder.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tool Menghemat Baterai Laptop Membuat Waktu Pemakaian Laptop Lebih Lama

Seringkali kita yang memakai laptop dihadapkan pada masalah baterai laptop yang cepat habis. Bisa karena memang waktu pemakaian kita yang terlalu lama, biasa berjam-jam mengetik dokumen, apalagi kalau laptop dipakai untuk bermain game yang mempunyai resolusi grafis yang tinggi, atau karena memang masa baterai laptop yang sudah lama kita pakai dan makin soak aja.

Semua masalah itu berakhir dengan waktu daya baterai yang cepat mati. Mengatasi masalah cepat habisnya baterai laptop yang paling mudah adalah dengan membeli baterai baru. Tapi ada harga tinggi yang mesti kita bayar untuk menerapkan opsi seperti itu.

Solusi lainnya adalah dengan mengurangi waktu pemakaian laptop. Tapi itu pun akan membuat kita tidak bebas menggunakan komputer jinjing kita. Ujung-ujungnya jadi bukan laptop lagi namanya karena tidak portable dan tidak efektif. Yang paling gampang memecahkan masalah tersebut dan tidak mesti bayar untuk menghemat baterai laptop adalah dengan mencari software / tool yang membantu kita untuk menghemat konsumsi baterai laptop.

Software yang diberi nama Laptop Battery Doubler tidak akan bekerja secara ajaib-ajaib banget karena tidak mengandung magic. Tapi Laptop Battery Doubler bisa membantu menghemat listrik laptop dengan menonaktifkan beberapa hardware di laptop yang sebenarnya sedang pasif. Misalnya, software ini akan mencari port USB yang sedang nganggur dan beberapa hardware lain yang tidak dalam masa penugasan. Kemampuan dari efisiensi daya listrik laptop tersebut bisa membawa dampak penghematan konsumsi daya listrik yang cukup signifikan.

Selain itu, tool ini cukup efektif membantu mempercepat recharge baterai laptop untuk mempersingkat waktu penungguan kita. Rasa-rasanya ketika kita mencari sebuah software yang mampu melakukan penghematan tersebut, Battery Doubler adalah tips yang paling pas dan murah agar waktu pakai bisa lebih lama.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Review : Acer FERRARI One 200 dengan HP Pavilion DV2 1203au

Sebelum membahas ACER FERRARI ONE 200, Sebelumnya saya membeli Notebook Hp Pavilion DV2 1203, baru sebulan saya beli saya Jual lagi Hp Pavilion saya karena saya menemukan beberapa komponen hardware HP Pavilion DV2 1203au tidak dapat berkerja dengan baik dan tidak dapat membantu pekerjaan saya, LAN Card pada HP Pavilion dv2 1203 mengalami Ping Time yg sangat tinggi jika hidup selama 1 jam atau lebih, Ping Time yang tinggi pada Lan Card mengakibatkan koneksi internet via kabel UTP Lemot, meskipun Bandwith Normal. Komponen lain pada VGA Out HP Pavilion DV2 1203 gak support pada banyak merek monitor, kemungkinan lainya hal ini bisa mengakibatkan tidak support nya pada banyak merek LCD Proyektor. Nah, apakah semuanya dv2 1203au bermasalah pada lan card dan vga out atau yg kebetulan saya yang dapat barang cacat, saya kurang tau juga, karena saya tidak komplain ke HP Service Center, karena saya buru-buru jadi saya langsung jual saja.

Berikut Spesifikasi hardware Notebook HP Pavilion DV2 1203au

AMD Athlon Neo X2 Dual Core L335-1.60 GHz
- (512KB L2 Cache, AMD 690G Chipset)
- 12.1" LED BrightView Widescreen, 1 GB DDR2, 250GB HDD
- VGA ATi Radeon X1250 64MB shared, LAN, WiFi
- Altec Lansing Spea
kers, Webcam 0.3MP
- 5-in-1 Media Reader, HDMI Port, Weight 1.64 kg.
- 4 Cell Battery, Non OS,
Color : Espresso Black

Disini saya me-review Acer Ferrari One 200 dengan HP Pavilion DV2 1203AU karena keduanya sama-sama ber-Prosesor AMD dan tergolong Notebook Mini AThlon X2, ya karena saya sendiri penggemar Prosesor AMD dan saya lebih suka menggunakan Komputer ber-Prosesor AMD dibandingkan Prosesor Lainnya. Menurut pengalaman saya Prosesor AMD memiliki performa yang bagus untuk pekerjaan2 berat dan harga yang terjangkau. Acer Ferrari One adalah produk keluaran tahun 2009. Tepatnya tanggal 8 Juni 2010 saya membeli ACER FERRARI ONE 200.

Dulunya saya memakai prosesor Intel, sekarang saya sudah pindah ke prosesor AMD. AMD sekarang berbeda denga AMD jaman dulu. kalo dulu AMD konon kabarnya gampang terbakar, AMD sekarang tidak seperti dulu lagi. Saya sudah buktikan sendiri dengan menghidupkan lebih dari 2 CPU berprosesor AMD hidup lebih dari 1 Bulan tanpa mati, Hasilnya baik2 saja sampek detik ini. Buat saya sebelum membeli komputer, saya tentukan prosesor nya dulu, prosesor harus AMD, baru merek yang merakit seperti Acer, hp dan lain lain. Silahkan baca-baca di google tentang reputasi processor AMD sa'at ini. Sudah banyak kok yang membahas tentang kehandalan Processor AMD :-).

Masalah merek Notebook, dulu saya selalu memilih merek DeLL, tetapi sayangnya saya tidak menemukan produk DeLL yang menggunakan prosesor AMD. Selain prosesor, komponen hardware DeLL sangat bagus, semuanya berjalan sangat baik, sepertinya bagian QC perusahaan DeLL sangat ketat demi kepuasan pelanggannya. :-).

Karena patokan pertama saya pada prosesor AMD, akhirnya dengan berat hati saya pindah ke lain hati dari produk DeLL ke merek-merek notebook yang menggunakan Prosesor AMD. Dan Pilihan saya notebook ber-prosesor AMD yang sangat mendukung aktifitas mobile yang sangat tinggi,ringan,tipis,kecil adalah ACER FERRARI ONE. Acer Ferari One ini saya coba tes satu demi satu tiap komponen hadrware semuanya berjalan sangat baik sekali.

Specification ACER FERRARI ONE 200:
  • Operating System: Win7 Home Premium
  • Display: 11.6 "WXGA
  • Processor: AMD Athlon X2 L310
  • Graphics Card: VGA ATI Radeon HD3200 256MB (shared)
  • Memory: 2GB DDR2
  • Hard Drive: 320GB HDD
  • Optical Drive: DVDRW External BONUS
  • Connectivity: WiFi, Bluetooth
  • I / O Ports: USB
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Others: NIC

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tes Keamanan Seting Pribadi Account Facebook

Pengaturan seting pribadi anda di facebook, kalo kurang benar bisa merugikan anda. Bisa jadi tanpa sepengetahuan anda, photo dan data-data pribadi bisa di expose secara bebas oleh orang lain.

Disini saya akan memberitahukan tool berbasis web untuk meng-cek setingan pribadi anda di facebook. Tool ini bernama reclaimprivacy . System kerja tool ini dengan melakukan scanning pada account anda, dan hasilnya memberikan informasi hal-hal yang harus anda benahi atau hal-hal yang di indikasikan berbahaya, dan memberikan informasi tindakan yang harus anda lakukan untuk pembenahan. Ya sistem kerjanya seperti Antivirus.

Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Buka dan Login facebook anda
2. Buka Tool reclaimprivacy

3. Klik, Tahan dan Drag pada tombol "Scan For Privacy" dan hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini

4. Buka kembali pada halaman Facebook anda tadi, Kemudian klik scan, tunggu sampai proses slesai

5. Jika proses sudah slese hasilnya seperti berikut

6. Klik "Done" untuk Slesai

Oke. Moga bermanfaat :-)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sony Siap Meluncurkan atracTable, Mahasiswa Indonesia Sudah Bikin Terlebih Dahulu

Sony siap mengeluarkan produknya yang akan menyaingi Microsoft Surface. Adalah atracTable, sebuah perangkat komputer yang dapat menghilangkan ketergantungan manusia terhadap mouse dan keyboard. Pengguna akan secara langsung berinteraksi dengan komputer dengan cara menyentuh layar.

Dilansir KabarIT dari Electronista, sebuah proto type atracTable yang sudah ada memiliki ukuran 35 inchi dengan fitur layar full HD dengan kontras tinggi. Alat ini dapat mendeteksi pergerakan lengan, jari dan pergerakan tubuh. Terdapat juga fitur yang dapat mendeteksi manusia berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, emosi seperti marah, sedih dan gembira.

Alat ini dapat digunakan sebagai media interaksi di tempat-tempat umum dan pertokoan. Alat ini juga dapat berinteraksi dengan perangkat yang diletakkan di atasnya.

Sony didukung perusahaan Atracsys dari Swiss. Alat ini menggunakan dua buah kamera Sony ISS XCD-V60 yang digunakan untuk menangkap gerakan yang dilakukan user. Kamera ini juga sebagai pengganti kontrol mouse dan keyboard. Belum diketahui apakah atracTable dapat melakukan multi touch, tapi secara teori seharusnya bisa.


Sebenaranya alat ini bukan sebuah alat yang baru. Alat ini ternyata juga sudah lama ada di Indonesia, dibuat oleh team dari STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Interactive Tabel ini pernah mendapatkan juara pertama pada Indonesian ICT Award 2009. Sang innovator bernama Hendro Wibowo mahasiswa STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Alat yang dibuat Hendro Wibowo ini diberi nama Tiwule (Touch It With Ultimate Learning Experience).

previousproject1 (1)Tiwule v.1, Hendro Wibowo Bersama M. Nuh (Menkominfo saat itu)

Secara teknik dan teknologi dan prinsip pembuatanya, Tiwule hampir sama dengan atracTable. Menggunakan kamera sebagai sensor penangkap gerakan dan proyektor sebagai interfacenya. Tiwule bahkan sudah dapat melakukan multi touch, sehingga dapat �dimainkan� lebih dari satu orang.


Pada versi pertamanya, Tiwule bahkan hanya menggunakan layar LCD biasa sebagai interfacenya dan menggunakan kamera webcam sebagai sensor pendeteksi gerakan. Pada versi pertama biaya pembuatan bahkan tidak lebih dari 3 juta rupiah. MaSuk


Friday, May 21, 2010

Indonesia is located in the Ring of Fire and Gunung Rinjani at 3,726 m is the 2nd highest volcanic peak in Indonesia.

Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano in Indonesia, on the island of Lombok. The most recent eruption was in 1996. According to the locals, fortunately, no one was hurt. People who were fishing at the crater managed to escape unscathed. All the fishes in the crater died.

Gunung Rinjani is surrounded by fields growing rice, soybeans, coffee, tobacco, cotton, cinnamon, and vanilla. The locals lived a very simple and quiet life and the fields are lush and green growing on fertile soils of the island. Gunung Rinjani is well-known for its spectacular crater lake as well as the small cone in the center of the caldera, which looks like a "crater within a crater". The arduous trek is rewarded with a choice of swimming in the crater or in pools of hot springs that can be found near the crater.

The climb to the summit is most scenic but can be a heart-stopping experience. The trek to the summit is covered with volcanic ashes. You end up sliding 3 steps backwards with every step that you take. Hence not many get to catch sunrise. The trek to the summit is exposed and you are at the mercy of the winds. Coupled with the treachery of the volcanic ashes, there have been a few who had fallen victims to nature.

But the view at the top is almost breathtaking. The a crater within the crater lake, greenery from the surrounding forest, and the clear blue sea from the distance, put together a picturesque view. On clear days, you can even see the Gunung Agong from Bali Island.

To the natives, the volcano is revered as a sacred place and abode of deities. The crater lake is the destination of thousand of pilgrims who place offerings in the water and bathe away disease in the hot springs. Not sure whether the area and the people will be able to stand the test of time, amidst the expanding tourism from Bali.

Bali is one of over 17,000 islands in the Indonesian archipelago and is located just over 2 kilometers from the eastern tip of the island of Java and west of the island of Lombok. Bali was inhabited by Austronesian peoples by about 2000 BC who migrated originally from Taiwan through Maritime Southeast Asia. Bali is apart of Indonesia and divided to 9 districts (8 regencies and 1 municipality). Bali has a tropical climate which is influenced by seasonal wind pattern and alternate every six months. From 9 districts in Bali the most populated and mostly visited by tourist is Badung district.

The rapid growth of development in tourism has had a big impact and influences to Bali tradition and lifestyle. Interestingly, Balinese culture is still as what it was, growing along with the of globalization. It is the Balinese civilization what makes the island different from other destination.

Sanur is located on the east coast of Bali, just 20 minutes north east of the International Airport, and offers a beach-side reality without the crowds. Tourists especially love the white sandy beaches protected by coral reefs making swimming a whole lot safer than in busy Kuta. One of the attractions of Sanur is water sports, including canoeing, surfing (outside Sanur Reef), windsurfing, snorkelling and scuba-diving are all based in Sanur.

Sanur is also home to several luxury villas in Bali. Indulging in a luxury Sanur villa is said as the greatest experience in paradise. The area has romantic white sandy beach, with a wide array of beachfront restaurants available. Each Sanur villa is modern luxury with distinct Balinese flair. The facilities are as complete as the amenities, including private swimming pool, self-contained kitchen, private living, dining, pantry and garden area. Staying at Bali villa in Sanur gives you access to discover a place where you and your family can be at your best. Bali villas are always associated with special treatments, from personalized services, attentive staff, and full privacy anyone cannot get from a hotel room.
Island of Bali, one of the main holiday destinations of Indonesia and probably one of the most visited vacation spots in entire Asia, has an incontestable magic, felt by most tourists who spent there longer or shorter getaways. Indonesia is considered by many western people as an exotic travel destination, where everything is different as at their home. Indeed, there all things have a specific charm, from culture to architecture, from weather and climate to vegetation, from food to traditions, from spoken languages to philosophical concepts...

Bali is lying between island of Java to the west and Lombok to the east, the capital city is Denpasar and it has and area of only 5,632 squad km (2,175 sq mi), but a population of over 3 millions of people. The entire island is a holiday resort, with many great accommodation units settled on beautiful beaches or in the high of the mountains, almost all surrounded by lush tropical vegetation and with unforgettable sea views! Everywhere on the island can be found well developed tourist centers dotted with luxurious hotels. A few destinations where are located the best hotels in Bali are Seminyak, Candi Dasa, Ubud, Jimbaran, Tuban, Nusa Dua, Kuta (with one of the most famous beaches in Bali named the Legian Beach), Sanur, Lovina Beach, Pemuteran, Lembogan Island and Tanjung Benoa. Most resorts in Bali are built with a specific Balinese architectural style, feature very luxurious amenities and offer high level services, being categorized as 4 and 5 star hotels. Majority of them don't comprise big size buildings, but have several villas or bungalows spread out around a wider area and offering a better chance to holiday makers to relax and enjoy a quite vacation. Of course, most hotels in Bali have one or more pools, spa centers, and a wide range of vacation facilities such as golf courses, scuba diving equipments, and others.

Seminyak is a famous tourist destination, located on the western side of Bali, just north of Kuta and Legian, being practically a suburb of town of Kuta. It is considered one of the most luxurious areas in Bali, so prices are pretty high, but even so there book accommodation a lot of tourists and also may expatriates bought houses and villas. Most hotels in Seminyak are 4 and 5 star resorts, featuring spa centers, more swimming pools, tennis courts, golf clubs, restaurants with local and international cuisine, shops with local products, all designed to offer vacationers a pleasant stay and splendid memories about Indonesia. Accommodation units as "Apartments Disini Luxury Spa Villas", "Hotel Villa Lumbung", "Hotel Kayana Seminyak", "Hotel Anantara Seminyak", "Hotel The Oberoi Bali", "Hotel The Villas Bali and Spa", "Hotel The Samaya Bali", "Apartments C151 Smart Villas", and "Hotel Bali Rich Luxury Villa" belong to the most luxurious resorts in Bali, but there are also a few 3 star hotels in Seinyak which offer excellent accommodation, one of them being "Hotel Pelangi Bali".

Bali attracts holiday makers looking to spend relaxing beach vacations, but also tourists interested in learning about new cultures and peoples. The last ones have chance to take visits to different temples (which are in fact main tourist attractions for all vacationers) and villages to see how live the locals, to meet them and to buy handicraft products. Island of Bali is a very mountainous one, especially in its central side, the tallest peaks being mount Agung (3142 meters) and mount Batukaru (2271 meters), so the more active tourists and hiking fans can enjoy there great moments too.

Spending a holiday in Bali is great on any region of it, but Seminyak is in the top of the most exquisite resorts of the island. Beside great accommodation offered by luxury hotels in Seminyak and splendid beaches from surroundings where tourists can enjoy at first hand the tropical nature, in the area can be found also a few entertaining zones with lively restaurants, bars, and shops.
Samba villas takes it's place on beach front Gili Tawangan as the only villa style accommo dation, it has clean lines and sophisticated finish, bringing style comfort and practicality to your paradise island.

Originally home only to handfull of fisher man, it is surrounded by underwater coral garden while being framed with tropical palm and blooms.

whether your holiday focuses indiving, island hopping, or simply relaxing in the sun, Samba Villas offers a perfect base as an Indonesian family owned and run operation, attention to each and every guest gives you truly unique experience at the same time as supporting local business.

with local and international cuisine and strong knowledge of the island and surrounding area, we aim to keep you satisfied both inside and out.

Samba Villas is a special places if you are swimming in our pool, enjoying the bar and lounge area, resting in your villa or somewhere in between, Samba Villas will not leave you wanting.

Samba Villas have a fresh water pool from where you can watch beach life in front.

No cars or motors are allowed on the island. The hardest decision you'll have to make while you're here is whether to walk, cycle or take a horse-drawn carriage down the island's sandy roads. Samba Villas has beautiful view of the mountains and sea as the sunrise and the skies light up with stars.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gili Island

Indonesia is best known for its cultural diversity and beautiful landscape. You may say Bali is a touristic place offering both. However if you would like to have a tranquil place yet white beaches, beautiful scenery and friendly people, you may come to Gili islands in Lombok.

There are three Gilis (Gili means small islands) close to each others in between Bali and west of Lombok Island. Those are called Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan.

Each Gili island has different specialty. private beach of your own, friendly people, nice seafood, clear and blue sky, sea paradise with snorkeling and diving. Quietness is guaranteed as no cars and motorcycle is allowed. Gili Air provides tropical paradise with its clear water and clean white beaches. You can enjoy swimming, sun bathing or joining a boat for a day to visit other islands. Diving, snorkeling and fishing are not bad options either.

Gili Meno, the smallest and the quietest island, provides rural tropical paradise as you have the beaches on your own. You can spend time swimming and sun bathing in clear sea water and white clean beach.

If you consider yourself as a party animal, try to spend your time in Gili Trawangan. Combining party and beaches is one of the options. Gili Trawangan is the most active island and Gili Meno is the calmest one.

The suggested itinerary is you can combine Bali with Gilis. Other option is that spending some days in one Gili island to move to others. Going from Mataram, Lombok to Gilis is an exciting option as Lombok also has various interesting touristic destinations.

You can go there from Benoa Harbour, Bali with a ferry for about 2 hours. There are several flights per week from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta to Mataram, Lombok. From Mataram, you continue by car and small boat for about 2 hours. You will pass mountainous area, national park, villages and paddy field. The view of mountain, villages, paddy field and Monkeys are just marvelous! Ask the driver to stop by where you find monkeys. You can stop to feed and take pictures of them. The best time for you who seek for quiet time is November to April. Try to avoid the high season, May to September, to have your private beaches.

Tugu Hotel Lombok

Tugu Hotel Lombok, Indonesia which is a witness to age old culture, art and tradition of the Indonesian archipelago is one of the newest hotels of the Tugu group of hotels. Located on the northwest coast of the island and offering the guests traditionally built accommodation units, it is one of the best hotels of this archipelago. What lures the travelers the most are the beautiful artworks of the hotel.

Location of Tugu Hotel Lombok, Indonesia

Tugu Hotel Lombok where you can get a fine blend of whispering breezes, tossing palm trees, sun soaked beaches and panoramic landscape is one of the most romantic places in Indonesia. Though the location of the hotel is ideal for a romantic wedding, it is perfect place for lone travelers and family person. Make your dreams come true as you marvel at the beauty of the nature, play in the skillfully designed golf course or indulge in hiking in the Mount Rinjani. Guests can spend a few days in complete bliss with slightest disturbances of the city life.

Room Facilities at Tugu Hotel Lombok, Indonesia

Tugu Hotel Lombok offers a number of elegant suites which are categorized into Bhagavat Gita, Aloon- aloon and Kampong Lombok suites. Be it the luxurious Bhagavat Gita suites or the elegant Aloon- aloon the accommodation units reflects opulence in real terms. The suites are designed with a close imitation to the natural setting of the hotel and the traditional aspect of the country. The aesthetic decorations of the rooms are highly contrasted with the range of the modern amenities that are offered to the guests.

Hotel Amenities and Services at Tugu Hotel Lombok, Indonesia

Guests are offered the luxury to choose from the private dining areas. Be it a quiet candle night beach dinner or a romantic dinner in the lap of the nature, the hotel has all in its store for you. Apart from the international dishes relish the exotic sea food from the fresh catch in the Warong Tugu Lombok. To make your wedding a great event for yourself come to the Tugu hotel which is a gem of the place. Compliment your dinner with a glass of drink in the bar. The recreational facilities offered to the guests are also the best of its kind.

the gili island

Tropical Islands are known for their breathtaking beaches, shiny white sand and palm trees which are found nowhere else in the world. These are the best destinations for those who want to escape the stressful routine life. For people who are looking for a peaceful and relaxing holiday near the ocean, these islands are the best place to go.

Tropical Islands are one of the best vacation destinations. It's not only the beauty but also the pleasant climate, variety of seafood, water sports and the beautiful sunsets of the tropical islands that make them perfect for vacations.

Tropical islands offer many activities for its visitors and tourists that include hiking, swimming, scuba diving, shopping, snorkeling, surfing, and fishing. Tropical holidays offer something for every member of the family and thus make the best holiday experience.
There are many Tropical islands around the world that offer exciting tropical holidays. These include Boracay, Bali, Barbados, Canary Islands, Cook Islands, Curacao, Fiji, Hawaii, Ko Lipe, Mauritius, Seychelles and many more. Following are the best Tropical Islands for honeymoon and family vacations.

Perhentian Islands:

Perhentian Islands is a small group of islands that are located on the east of Malaysia. These islands are all natural beauty and look like a paradise on earth. The location of these islands makes them suitable for sea-kayaking and other water activities like Scuba Diving, Snorkeling etc.

The waters around the islands are home to turtles, coral, jelly fishes and some species of sharks as well. Perhentian Islands are connected to each other by small paths and small forests so one has the option of Jungle trekking on these islands as well.


Curacao islands are also one of the best Tropical islands in the world. These islands are also one of the best holiday destinations in Caribbean. It is all time favorite destinations of tourists as the island reflects the Dutch culture.

One can visit the forts and museums on the island. The Christoffel and Shete Boka National Park are located here. Another popular attraction on Curacao islands is the Curacao Sea Aquarium which is popular for its Dolphin centre.

Cook Islands:

Cook Islands are a group of small islands located in the south pacific. Cook Islands are one of the less visited tropical islands but still are known for its beauty and serene atmosphere. The islands have peaceful and calm environment thus best suited for those holiday makers who want an escape from the modern life and find inner peace.


Hawaii is located in south pacific. It is famous for its amazing jungles, great beaches and breathtaking waterfalls. Hawaii is one of the best developed and most visited tropical islands in the world. The island offers all the amenities possible on a tropical island.

The place offers perfect spots and amazing waves for different water sports. Hawaii offers everything one could ask for on a tropical vacation. Attractions on the island include Diamond Head State Monument, Volcanoes National Park and many museums.

Helicopter tours and Whale watching are also among the activities available at the Hawaii Island. The couples find the horseback riding along the beach very romantic. Many tours and sunset rides are arranged along the beach.

The Maldives:

The Maldives is truly a paradise on the earth. It is a group of about thousand small islands located in the Indian Ocean. These tropical islands are known for their beautiful white sandy beaches and the world class resorts.

The world's best spots for snorkeling and diving are found in Maldives. It is great for family vacations as well as offers the most romantic vacations for couples and honeymoon makers.

Matt finds the best tropical islands in the world and writes about them. He loves the beach and has been to Gili Islands, Hawaii, and Ko Lipe just to name a few. He loves the surfing on Bali the best.

Lombok Gili

Do you need a vacation? Or do you need time to relax and unwind? You don't want to go where there are millions of other tourists there which will spoil your time off from work. One place that you may not have heard of is Lombok Island. It is an undiscovered island paradise in Indonesia which may be the answer to your dreams.

What type of vacation are you looking for? Do you want to simply relax and do nothing? Or perhaps you want a vacation filled with plenty of activities that have intriguing sights and sounds. Or maybe you want to have an exotic adventure filled with nightlife and shopping. Any one of these and many others can be attained at Lombok Island.

This island is located east of Bali and is the owner of magnificent white sand beaches, a tropical climate and friendly people. Mount Rinjani National Park is also located here which has the third largest volcano in Indonesia with a measurement of 3726 meters. The best time to plan your trip is from the months of May to October. The peak season during the months of July and August so you will want to plan your trip early and make sure you have reservations!

There are many activities to do on the island of Lombok. You can do rock climbing, scuba diving, trekking, biking, sailing, snorkeling, bamboo rafting, surfing, fishing, boating, paragliding, parasailing, and even golfing. If you can name it you can do it here. You can trek on the mountain or on a natural trail. Most trips are usually done with an average of 15 to 20 people and accompanied by a local guide. You can even go camping and view some of the natural animals and vegetation.

The major city of Senggigi holds plenty of local nightlight filled with many dining establishments and dining restaurants. You will be sure to find something that will want to remind you of your visit and other unique items to take back as gifts. You will find exotic foods that will provide you with experiences unlike any other.

You can also take a small trek or tour to view the local plant life. There are also wetlands that you can view and enjoy. While there you might see a komodo or other natural animal life on the island. This is your chance to see animals in their natural habitat that you would normally see in a zoo.

When you visit Lombok Island you might not get a chance to see everything. You might be so overwhelmed by all the activities and adventures that happen here. You might decide not to do anything at all but simply meditate, relax, and get pampered. That can be done here as well. Whatever your vacation ideal is you can have it when you come to Lombok Island. It is a tranquil place with unheard of beauty and lulling waters that soothe your senses. The colors are so vibrant they appear to have been painted by an artist. You will not want to leave. provides you the best Lombok Hotels to chose for your vacation in Lombok and Gili Island. Visit our website to get special offers for this month.

Hotel of Lombok

An idiom in Bahasa Indonesia to welcome you to our warmth and friendliness of
Sunset House Lombok, Indonesia. Sunset House offers you to experience Lombok�s warm hospitality and enchanted moonlit night in a luxurious and private setting.

With only 6 rooms available for rent and small bar and restaurant right on the beachfront, this property offers superb Lombok Island unforgettable holiday for small groups, family, couples or individuals.

Our Restaurant is set in an idyllic setting on the beachfront, presents International, Italia and Asian menu choices. Healthy and delectable cuisines are elegantly served, prepared by the Chef from fresh ingredients and exotic spices. The Bar is a comfortable meeting place in the afternoon and evening, serving refreshments and cocktails, while you may also enjoy the spectacular views of sunset behind Bali�s Mount Agung from your seat.

Leave your busy work day at home, enjoy your life in holiday vacation in Lombok, Indonesia with Sunset House Lombok. Once you are here with us, all you have to do is to relax, enjoy the spectacular view of Bali�s Mount Agung in the distance. Wherever you are, all you will see is the sea, with no limit. Book now!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

wisata pantai lombok

If you have a long holiday to Bali then a little escape will make your holiday even more memorable. The best option for this purpose is Lombok. Separated from Bali with a strait, Lombok is comfortably reachable in a short trip that makes even an overnight escape worth it. I would suggest at least two nights though.

Covered by the shadow of Bali, Lombok is less developed and therefore less crowded compared to Bali, however, it term of holiday facilities, it has anything needed including five-star resort hotels. And in term of holiday attractions, there are no less attractive than Bali.

If Bali has Kuta and Sanur, Lombok has Kuta and Senggigi. If Bali has Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida, and Nusa Ceningan, Lombok has Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno. If Bali has Bedugul, Lombok has Puncak Pusuk. If Bali has Mount Agung, Lombok has Mount Rinjani. If Bali has Gitgit Waterfall, Lombok has Sindang Gile, If Bali has ayam betutu, Lombok has ayam taliwang.

Main problem to those thinking to go to Lombok is transportation. So far there are three options, by air, by public ferry, and by fast boat, each with their own drawbacks.

Flight from Bali to Lombok takes a mere 30 minutes by small propeller aircraft. Not that frequently and only available at daylight as the airport in Lombok is not sufficiently equipped for night landings. Small propeller aircraft is a bit less comfortable and even horrible to some. And probably due to the age of the aircrafts, delays and cancellations are almost certain. Price is rather expensive. With the same price you can buy an AirAsia ticket from Bali to Kuala Lumpur.

By public ferry it takes between 4 to 8 hours depending to weather. The ferries are quite large and carry vehicle as well, including large coaches and trucks. Passenger compartment is roughly adequate. Most complains come from the time consumed and in bad weather strong wind and soaring wave can make the trip a horrible one. In Bali, they are embarked from Padang Bai, about one or one and a half hours drive from Kuta.

The last option is popular in the last few years, fast boat. It cuts the trip into only two hours and embarked at Bali's main harbor of Benoa, only 15-20 minutes drive from Kuta. The operators also offer stopovers in fabulous tiny islands including Bali's Nusa Lembongan and Lombok's Gili Islands.

Accommodation options are available from cheap backpacker's lodges which costs less than $10 per night to five-star resorts operated by world class chains such as Sheraton and Novotel. If you are indulged by the luxury of private villa accommodation in Bali, you can also rent Lombok villas. Not as many as Bali but you can find one for every price range, from budget holiday villas to luxurious beachfront villas.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Internet Cepat Dengan Cache DNS di Komputer Lokal

Salah satu solusi yang efektif untuk internet cepat adalah mengurangi waktu loading internet dalam dengan mengutak-atik DNS di localhost atau komputer / PC lokal. Apapun yang kita kerjakan di internet, mulai dari kirim mengirim email, melakukan transfering files ke FTP, membuka facebook, chatting di YM, mengakses web, bahkan koneksi ke VPS, semuanya memerlukan DNS.

Dengan kata lain, DNS adalah bagian / elemen terpenting ketika kita berselancar di dunia maya. Contohnya ada satu kasus di mana orang-orang mengeluhkan lambannya waktu loading internet di flexi, telah ada yang berhasil memecahkan masalah ini dengan menyetel DNS flexi sehingga tampil lebih cepat waktu loadingnya.
Nah, salah satu software yang bisa support kita dalam hal memanage DNS dalam hal cache DNS, store DNS dan segala layer lainnya adalah ExtraDNS.

ExtraDNS akan memotong permintaan DNS dan simpan balasan dalam database cepat diindeks. Kali berikutnya sistem Anda hrs menyelesaikan sama alamat, Tool ini langsung pasokan jawaban dari database-nya. Tidak ada penundaan lebih ketika loading halaman Web atau mengakses mail server. Selain itu, Tool ini mengatasi keterbatasan jendela sistem operasi dan bisa mengelola hingga 10 nameserver yg berbeda.

Bagaimana Tool ini bekerja sehingga jadi solusi internet cepat?

Tool ini memberitahu sistem Anda utk meminta informasi DNS dari
aplikasi Tool ini ketimbang mengirim permintaan keluar ke
Internet. Bila Tool ini menerima permintaan dua kasus yg mungkin terjadi:

1. Entry DNS ditemukan dalam database

- Tool ini akan mengirimkan informasi yg diminta langsung ke aplikasi.
- Namun demikian permintaan akan dikirim ke server DNS Internet.
- Setelah jawaban diterima, Tool ini akan membandingkan jawaban dgn informasi dalam database, dan memutakhirkan setiap catatan jika diperlukan.
Ini memastikan bahwa database cache selalu up to date, dan Anda tidak akan menerima ketinggalan jaman informasi dari cache.

2. Jika tidak ada entri yg cocok ditemukan dalam database

- Tool ini akan mengirimkan permintaan ke semua DNS server yg tersedia dikonfigurasi. Tool ini akan menanyakan semua server secara simultan. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan di lebih cepat jawaban dibandingkan dgn sistem windows standar dimana permintaan adalah kirim ke berikutnya server hanya jika sebelumnya tidak menjawab.
- Aplikasi Anda akan menerima respon dari server pertama merespon.
- Tool ini akan menambahkan informasi ke database-nya.

Dari paparan di atas, salah satu solusi internet cepat masa ini adalah dengan bermain-main di layer DNS, so mungkin masalah anda bisa terpecahkan.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

wisata bali

The wave curling on the seashore is addictive. It drives me back over again, to enjoy it with my surfboard. At the end, this is where finally I occupy most of my time. This is all began when I "gave up" my status as one of the Civil Engineering students of Udayana University in Denpasar, Bali. I "lost in space" at that time. I even underwent a job as a cab driver for three months. When I was finally fatigue and bored with my life in Denpasar, I decided to enjoy - and cope with - a life on a well known beach named Kuta.

Surfing finally became my daily routine, and I am a surfer until today. This outdoor activity and its social intercourse brought me to a meeting with a German, and we made friends. This friend of mine had a dream to be a surf photographer. Unfortunately, he gave up his dream. On the other hand, I was in luck. He gave me all of his water photography gears, like camera, lens and housing. It happened in the era of film camera.

After that, I started to learn photography, which was all unknown to me. I did not know anything about photography and its basic skill. Yet, my eagerness to surfing made photography so easy for me to learn. Besides surfing, surf photography was my daily routine. With the only gears I had, I practiced water photography because I captured surfers' action in the water. To create better photos, I kept learning from foreign photographers. Perhaps, that was the beginning of surf photography by a local photographer.

Apparently, obstacles were all in front of me, including of how expensive was the price of a film at that time. However, everything was completely gone through because of my eagerness and loyalty. Day by day, my photo collection got bigger. Because of this, many friends, including the foreign ones, suggested me to make a local surfing tabloid or magazine for Bali/Indonesia, and I succeeded in making it happened. In the year of 1999, the first surfing Indonesian magazine was established, namely Surf Time.

The first edition was published in November in the same year. Unfortunately, it was operating for one and a half year only. Maybe, it was merely because of my mind running too simple. After the Surf Time, a friend from Swiss invested a capital to make the first Indonesian skater magazine, namely Flip. Nonetheless, this magazine was published in three editions only. The reason was clear; we had not enough knowledge in that field. Besides, it is obvious that my world did not belong to skateboarding. The keenness on surfing had pushed me back to establish a medium for surfing community.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Review Singkat HP Pavillion dv2

HP menjual notebook dv2 ini sebagai notebook dibawah US$ 800 yang sudah kita tunggu tunggu karena kombinasi kecepatan dan bentuk yang tidak ada sebelumnya. Benarkah?

Teknologi Baru AMD Berbaju HP Yang Rapih

Pabrik prosessor dan chipset AMD merupakan pemain lama yang selalu menjadi saingan Intel sekalipun skala perusahaannya lebih kecil. Ketika Intel sibuk selama tahun 2008 mempromosikan mini notebook dengan prosessor Intel Atom, AMD tidak mempunyai prosessor hemat listrik yang cocok untuk melawan Intel Atom. Awal tahun 2009 yang lalu AMD menginformasikan bahwa mereka akan berkonsentrasi membuat prosessor untuk notebook tipis 12 - 13 inci dengan kemampuan komputasi dan grafis yang tinggi. AMD menamakan prosessor ini AMD NEO.

Minggu lalu HP Indonesia memperkenalkan notebook 12 inci yang ringkas seri HP Pavillion dv2 dengan prosessor AMD NEO MV-40 dilengkapi kartu grafis dedicated ATI Mobility Radeon HD3410. Dengan nama Pavillion maka dv2 dikategorikan notebook seri entertainment "performa tinggi dengan harga terjangkau". Mengingat minat beli orang terhadap mini notebook ( netbook ) sangat tinggi, dimana tempat si dv2 ini ? Orang yang ingin notebook kecil dan ringan haruskan tetap memilih netbook ( misalnya HP Mini-Note 2140 dan HP Mini 1000 - 1 hingga 1.3 kg ) atau beralih ke HP Pavillion dv2 yang lebih besar layarnya ( 12.1 inci - 1.79 kg ) demi mengejar performance lebih? Itu adalah yang ingin dicari tahu dalam review singkat dv2 ini.

Mari kita lihat foto foto dari Pavillion dv2:

HP Pavilion dv2 Putih
HP Pavilion dv2 Hitam
tampak depan dv2 Espresso Black
dv2 sudah termasuk external DVD
DC-in, USB, Audio port, WiFi, Power
Memory, HDD mudah diakses
Mendukung 4GB dalam 1 slot memory
Baterai di foto adalah 6 cell
Slot untuk 3G modem sudah ada

Pavillion dv2 yang diuji oleh berwarna Hitam. HP memanggilnya warna Espresso Black. Cover magnesium alloynya hitam legam dan mengkilap. Sebenarnya semua bagian atas dan samping Pavillion dv2 mengkilap. Bagian touchpadnya yang berwarna chrome mengkilap tidak ada bedanya dengan cermin. Bagian pinggir keyboard dilapisi oleh bingkai berwarna chrome. Bagian samping tempat port USB / LAN juga berwarna chrome. Bagian bawah untungnya tidak mengkilap. Rongga hard disk, memory, dan WiFi adaptor bisa diakses dari bawah untuk kemudahan upgrade dan service.

Memory slot hanya satu dan sudah terisi keping 1 atau 2 GB memory asli dari HP ( dv2 tersedia dalam 2 pilihan ). Kapasitas memory 4 GB hanya bisa dicapai dengan menukar memory yang sudah ada ke 1 keping memory DDR2 4 GB ( jenis memory ini sudah ada tapi harganya masih mahal sekitar US$ 200 ). Perlu diketahui bahwa OS Windows Vista Premium yang datang dengan dv2 adalah versi 64-bit. Jika nanti anda memakai dv2 dengan memory 4 GB, maka anda bisa mengakses kesemua memory 4 GB ini. Windows Vista 32-bit saat ini terbatasi pengenalan memorynya menjadi sekitar 3.2 GB walaupun anda memasangkan memory sejumlah 4 GB.

Ada satu slot kosong untuk integrated 3.5G modem untuk pemasangan kartu modem PCI-Express kita sendiri. Bila kita benar hendak menambahkan modem kita sendiri, kita kemungkinan harus mengunjungi service center HP karena antena modem harus dipasangkan ke jalur antena yang biasanya disediakan di bingkai layar LCD.

Teknologi Prosessor dan Grafis Baru dari AMD

AMD Neo MV-40 kelasnya lebih tinggi dari AMD Sempron 210U yang digunakan di PC BenQ nScreen dengan cache sebesar 512 kB. Bila prosessor ini dibandingkan dengan AMD Turion X2, misalnya, maka konsumsi listrik MV-40 hanya setengahnya saja. Ini memungkinkan bentuk notebook yang lebih tipis dan konsumsi baterai yang lebih hemat. Keunggulan ini yang dimaksud oleh AMD ketika mereka bermaksud memberikan kemampuan komputasi tinggi di notebook tipis.

Gaming di HP Pavillion dv2

Saat ini bila kita ingin memiliki suatu notebook kecil dengan grafik yang lumayan. Lumayan dalam arti bisa dipakai untuk main game 3D dengan kualitas detail yang masih diterima, maka model yang ada dipasaran tidak banyak. Dulu ada

pilihan Asus U6Sg layar 12 inci seharga US$ 1600+ dan kini sudah tidak dijual lagi. Asus N10 layar 10 inci, prosessor Intel Atom, NVIDIA GeForce 9300M GS 256 MB seharga Rp. 7 jt-an adalah model yang cukup populer karena kecil dan kelengkapan graphicsnya. Kini Asus N10 pun sudah tidak dijual lagi. Jadi memang tidak banyak pilihan di pasaran untuk notebook kecil dengan kemampuan graphics yang cukup.

Nah kebetulan sekarang ada dv2 yang salah satu modelnya dipasangkan dedicated ATI Mobility Radeon HD3410 512 MB. Tam melakukan uji coba memakai game Need For Speed - Undercover. Hasilnya: Game bisa dimainkan tanpa lag di

setting "low" di Cars dan World, serta efek "Smoke" dimatikan. Resolusi permainan adalah 1280 x 720.

Game Need For Speed
Razer pad dan mouse - courtesy gamer Handoyo

Dengan harga dv2-1003AX di Rp. 8 jt-an sudah termasuk eksternal DVD-RW, maka calon pembeli yang mencari notebook kecil yang bisa dipakai untuk gaming 3D ringan sekarang punya punya pilihan baru. Akankah orang yang tadinya mempertimbangkan membeli netbook dan tidak lagi mengharap bisa bermain game 3D berpindah ke model model seperti HP Pavillion dv2.

Spesifikasi Unit

Windows Experience Index

dv2 Graphics HD3410 skornya tinggi
Nilai dari Intel Atom integrated graphics

Perhatikan peningkatan yang jauh di angka Gaming Graphics - dv2 angkanya 4.0 dan jauh lebih tinggi dari angka di Intel Atom yang hanya 2.7.

Kecepatan Hard Disk

Kecepatan akses 32.3ms itu agak lambat
Kecepatan baca file file kecil agak lambat

Hard disk Seagate ST9320320AS kapasitas 320GB yang dipasangkan di dv2 termasuk ke hard disk performance menengah dengan kecepatan akses dan kecepatan membaca file file kecil yang tidak terlalu tinggi.

Kelebihan HP Pavillion dv2

  • Desain yang bagus
  • Graphics ATI HD3410 yang memungkinkan gaming dilayar 12.1 inci seharga Rp. 8jt-an.
  • Sudah termasuk DVD-RW Double Layer Lightscribe
  • Ada HDMI untuk koneksi ke LCD TV.


  • Serba mengkilap - harus rajin di lap.
  • Baterai dengan adanya dedicated graphics akan lebih boros dan tidak bisa sehemat Intel Atom.


HP Pavillion dv2 patut dipertimbangkan kita sebagai calon pemakai yang ingin notebook kecil tapi dengan graphics yang memadai untuk gaming. Harganya juga terjangkau.

Review Singkat HP 2140 Mini-Note PC

Setahun berlalu sejak model HP 2133 Mini-Note PC diperkenalkan di Indonesia HP kini mengeluarkan model 2140. Pergantian prosessor dari VIA ke Intel Atom menyelesaikan kekurangan model sebelumnya dan menjadikan 2140 penawaran notebook mini yang kuat.

HP 2133 Mini-Note diperkenalkan HP Indonesia bulan Mei 2008. Pada saat itu notebook kecil dengan harga ekonomis baru ditawarkan oleh Asus Eee PC dan Intel Classmate. Datang HP 2133 Mini-Note PC dengan casing Aluminium, keyboard yang nyaman sekali, layar resolusi tinggi 1280 x 768, serta kelengkapan slot ExpressCard. Penampilannya bagus mendukung pemakaian di lingkungan pengguna perorangan maupun bisnis sekalipun. Tak heran produk ini disambut dengan antusias sekalipun dijual dengan harga premium US$ 699.

Dua kekurangan yang dirasakan untuk model 2133 ini adalah penggunaan Windows Vista yang cenderung terlalu berat untuk prosessor VIA ( pemakaian Windows XP akan membantu ), serta suhu yang agak tinggi ketika dipakai untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Model 2140 dalam pengujian singkat tidak menunjukkan gejala panas berlebihan. Pengoperasian notebook ini dengan sistem operasi Windows XP terasa ringan dan cepat.
Dimensi dan Berat

Jika beberapa notebook mini dideretkan maka HP 2140 bukanlah yang paling ringan atau yang paling tipis. Gelar paling tipis diperebutkan antara Asus Eee PC S101 dengan tipe storage SSD dan HP Mini 1000. HP 2140 yang mencapai 1.27 kg dengan baterai 3 cell termasuk berat juga, mendekati berat Acer Aspire One D250 yang sudah datang dengan baterai yang lebih besar. Artinya bila HP 2140 dipasangkan baterai 6 cell juga ( dijual opsional ), maka dia akan menjadi salah satu notebook mini yang terberat.


HP 2140 Mini-Note PC cukup fleksibel dari segi penampilan dan bisa masuk ke lingkungan bisnis maupun ke lingkungan pemakai umum dan mahasiswa. Bentuk badan notebooknya yang melengkung halus dengan tutup notebook terbuat dari alumunium membuat kesan notebook yang ringkas dan ramping. Keyboardnya luas dan besar. Touchpad dilengkapi tombol di kiri dan kanannya yang cukup besar.

HP Mini 2140 HP Mini 2140
Warna keseluruhan Perak
Keyboard luas
HP Mini 2140
Touch Pad dengan tombol dikiri dan di kanan

Tersedia ExpressCard/54 dan Opsional Baterai 6 Cell mengingatkan pembaca bahwa keluarga Mini-Note PC ini adalah mini notebook satu satunya dipasaran yang mempunyai slot ExpressCard/54 untuk konektifitas yang fleksibel ke modem broadband ( 3G, CDMA, WIMAX ) , eSATA, Firewire, TV adapter, dan lainnya. Ada notebook lainnya seperti Lenovo S9 / S10 dan Quantel X10 yang menggunakan lebih kecil yaitu ExpressCard/34. Mini notebook lain tanpa ExpressCard hanya akan tergantung ke port USB yang kecepatannya lebih rendah untuk ekspansi.

Gambar dibawah adalah gambar 2140 dengan opsional baterai 6 cell ( standard nya adalah 3 cell ). Dengan baterai ini kita bisa bekerja lebih dari 5 jam sebelum kita perlu melakukan recharge.

HP Mini 2140 HP Mini 2140
tampak kiri dengan opsional batery 6 cell
tampak kanan

Layar Sinematik 16:9 Resolusi 1024 x 576 menyukai layar Illumi-Lite LED dari HP 2140 Mini-Note dengan format sinematik 16:9 resolusi 1024 x 576 walaupun resolusi 2133 yang lama ( 1280 x 768 ) memang lebih tinggi. Dengan layar yang baru, kita bisa memutar film DVD dan klip film high definition satu layar penuh tanpa bagian hitam.

Sebagaimana sering kita akan menonton film HD di layar 10 inci HP 2140? Mungkin tidak terlalu banyak ( tergantung siapa anda ), tapi saat kita menonton, tampilan film memang lebih memuaskan dilayar 16:9. Di website US sendiri sudah mulai dijual konfigurasi HP 2140 dengan layar 10 inci tapi dengan resolusi lebih tinggi lagi, yaitu 1366 x 768 ( belum dipasarkan di Indonesia ).

HP Mini 2140 HP Mini 2140
Tampilan layar video satu layar penuh

Spesifikasi Singkat

HP 2140 Mini-note saat ini dipasarkan dengan harga US$ 535 dengan memori sebesar 1 GB. Model 2133 juga masih tersedia dengan harga lebih murah US$ 50, memori lebih besar 2 GB tapi dengan sistem operasi Linux. Harga harga ini sudah jauh lebih murah dibanding harga mereka tahun lalu di US$ 699.


Dengan hampir seragamnya penggunaan prosessor Intel Atom dan integrated graphics GMA 950 di notebook mini, maka variasi yang menentukan performance mereka adalah kecepatan hard disk. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa hard disk Fujitsu 160GB yang digunakan di 2140 memberikan kecepatan transfer rata rata cukup cepat 50MB/s sedikit dibawah hard disk Samsung yang digunakan oleh ION P3700BI.

Hp mini 2140
Fujitsu MHZ2160BH G2 didalam 2140 mempunyai kecepatan baik.

Upgrade Memori dan HDD

Desain yang manis 2140 mempunyai akibat yaitu upgrade memori dan hard disk harus dilakukan dengan membongkar keyboard. Untuk instruksi upgrade, ada satu video yang dengan baik menjelaskan caranya.

3D DriveGuard Pelindung Hard Disk

Kelebihan 2140 ( dan 2133 ) dibanding HP Mini 1000 adalah dari segi keamanan data dengan adanya chip accelerometer ( sensor gerak ) didalam notebook. Sensor ini akan segera memerintahkan hard disk untuk memarkir head baca / tulis saat notebook terguncang atau jatuh. Untuk mengetahui bila fitur ini bekerja dengan baik, ada icon di Windows XP taskbar yang berubah dari warna putih ke oranye saat notebook diguncang. Jadi paling tidak jika notebook ini terjatuh dari meja dan hancur, data kita di hard disk lebih terlindungi.

HP Mini 2140 HP 3DGuard
HP Mini 2140 HP Mini 2140
Halaman kontrol software 3D DriveGuard
Label 3D DriveGuard dibagian bawah notebook.

Fitur Software Lainnya

HP 2140 Mini-Note PC datang dengan jenis jenis software yang sangat beragam mulai dari anti-virus McAfee, software PDFComplete, Roxio Creator Business Basic, dan banyak lainnya. Bagusnya software ini tidaklah otomatis semuanya terinstall pada hard disk kita. Kita bisa pilih apa yang kita hendak install di menu HP software setup didalam HP Infocenter seperti dibawah.

HP Mini 2140
Menu di HP Info Center


Baterai yang datang dengan HP 2140 Mini-Note PC adalah baterai 3 cell ( 28 Whr ). Tersedia juga pilihan 6-cell (55 WHr) high capacity Lithium-Ion. tidak sempat menguji ketahanan baterai dalam uji singkat. Menurut informasi yang kami kumpulkan di forum forum luar negeri, maka baterai 3 cell di 2140 bisa bertahan sekitar 2.5 jam. Sedangkan baterai 6 cell bisa bertahan antara 5 hingga 6 jam. Harga baterai 6 cell bila dibeli terpisah adalah US$ 100.

Kelebihan HP 2140 Mini-Note PC

  • Layar sinematik 16:9
  • Desain yang menarik dan cocok untuk lingkungan bisnis maupun pemakaian pribadi.
  • ExpressCard/54 untuk ekspansi peripheral yang fleksibel.
  • Keyboard luas dan enak dipakai.


  • Upgrade memori dan hard disk harus membongkar keyboard.
  • Tombol touchpad ada disebelah kiri dan kanan membutuhkan pembiasaan.